#!/usr/bin/perl -w


# Displays the numbers of days since
# a user last logged in in table form.

# - Jim

# Input File Handlers:

# Hash table to store the user's name and last log in.

# Save the date as the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
$DateInSeconds = time();

# Open $IFile1 for reading only.
open (LastLog, '<', $IFile1) or
  die ("Unable to open \"$IFile1\" due to error: \"$!\"");

# Open $IFile2 for reading only.
open (Passwd, '<', $IFile2) or
  die ("Unable to open \"$IFile2\" due to error: \"$!\"");

# Create a hash table with all the user names as keys.

while (defined ($_ = ) )
  $user=(split /:/, $_)[0];

  # Add the user name as a key.

# Go through the lastlog file,
# grab the user names in it and the time last logged in
# if it exists.
while (defined ($_ = ) )
  # Is the line a user name or the string
  # "time_last_login"?

  # ^\w+: Line starts with one or more word characters
  # followed by a :.

  # ^\s*time_last_login Line starts with zero or more spaces followed by
  # time_last_login.

  if ($_ =~ /^\w+:|^\s*time_last_login/)

     # If the string is a user, assign
     # it as a key.  If the string is not
     # put it as the value to the key.

     if ( $_ =~ /:/ )

        # Find the user name and remove the : at the end.
        $user = substr($_, 0, -2);

        # The string is the time_last_login value.
        # Save the number into the $users hash table.

        # \d+\ means find the number and () save it
        # into memory: $1;

        $_ =~ /(\d+)/;

        # Find the number of days with fraction included.
        $DateInDays = ($DateInSeconds - $1)/60/60/24; 

        # Remove the fraction portion from the variable.
        $DateInDays =~ (/(\d+)./);


# Print the hash table.

print "The follow users have logged in:\n\n";
print "  User ", "     Days Since Last Login\n";

foreach $key (sort (keys(%users)))

  if ( "$users{$key}" ne "" )

     # Print the user's name and last log in.
     printf "%8s             %3d\n", $key, $users{$key};
     # The user has never logged in.
     # Save there name in a list.


print "\n\n";
print "The follow users have NEVER logged in:\n\n";

foreach (@NeverLoggedIn)
  print "$_\n";

# Close the files opened at the beginning.

close $IFile1;
close $IFile2;